Controlling the cost for equipment repairs requires careful management of the MRO spare parts inventory.
Globally companies commit up to 8% of their total procurement spent on MRO products.

Typical MRO related problems experienced by our clients
"We stock too much of the wrong items and our operating capital is tied up"
"We have downtime issues because we’re out of stock!"
"We simply don’t know what demand will look like from the one moment to the next"
"We have too many ‘one-time buys’ instead of planned procurement"

How EAMS can help you resolve your MRO related issues:
By measuring and analysing behaviour and usage trends in the operating and maintenance environments we can predict and optimise the use and consumption of MRO items.
When choosing EAMS Global as a partner to assist you with your MRO Inventory needs, we offer a complete and collaborative value adding process to your business giving you peace of mind and saving you time and resources.
Value Delivered Through the EAMS MRO Service
Reducing the Total Cost of MRO Ownership by 30% to 50%, through:
Predictive management of both people and equipment-driven MRO consumption.
Reducing Inventory levels by smoothing stock movements and increasing stock rotations.
Decreasing safety stock allocation from between 45 to 60 days to between 13 to 18 days on average
Reducing MRO related “knock-on” effects in lost production and sales by maintaining 98% inventory accuracy, correctness of order and on time delivery.
To achieve these gains, we work with clients on their MRO Supply-Chain-as-a-Service strategy, including:
MRO Inventory and Stores Planning & Optimisation Services
MRO Inventory Management
MRO Sourcing Strategy Development
MRO Procurement Services
MRO Performance Dashboard
MRO Services Value Delivery